childhoodabuse, life, lifestyleblogger, mother, parenthood, sexualabuse, survivor

Old Triggers, New Solutions

Most days I would be willing to be almost completely certain that I am pass the effects of my childhood abuse. Then like a stain that you didn’t see on your shirt while you were getting dressed this morning, when you get in the light, everything is visible. The effects come back to show you… Continue reading Old Triggers, New Solutions

childhoodabuse, life, lifestyleblogger, mother, parenthood, sexualabuse, survivor

The Beginning

I wanted my first ever published blog to be so special. I wanted thousands of people to read it and wonder how I made it. More importantly, I wanted someone out there who feels the same way that I often feel to be able to GET IT.  My journey of a million miles started when I… Continue reading The Beginning